Friday, October 28, 2011

Parker Senior Pictures

We had a lot of fun with this shoot, it was more like a hike that we happen to of taken some great pictures at ;]
 So here are a few of Parker's Senior Pictures 
 His dog Moly never leaves his side

 We went on the BEST day to get all the colors

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall - The most gorgeous time of year!

My fiance and I were able to spend some time this weekend enjoying all of the fall colors! It is my most favorite time of year! For those of you who haven't been out into the mountains you NEED to!! 

I am trying to master taking my own pictures with a Tripod and this was my first try, not too shabby ;] 

Monday, October 17, 2011

3 wk old Trevor Jay :Utah Baby Photographer:

My sweet Fiance has an incredible boss that has done so much for us over the past year that the least I thought I could do was take pictures of their new baby boy Trevor. He was just 3 weeks old and already such a stud!

It was a change of pace to take pictures of a baby boy since I am so used to little Joslyn, I am still surprised he didn't pee on me ;] it was still loads of fun though!

I am hoping I will be able to photograph him a lot more as he grows up, he's just so stinkin' cute!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Joslyn is 3 Months old!! Time is just flying by! :UT baby portraits:

We had a TON of fun this month! Joslyn gave us a bunch of smiles it was great :] 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My furry kids ;] BEST models

These are sweet pups out for a picture adventure with mom in the mountains :] they love going out for pictures with me & my sweet fiance tags along too & helps me keep them in line ;]

We made a stop at the Timbermine to get a few shots with the old truck.